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Green Background

5. Describe how your campaign platform aligns with the GPUS Platform. If there are any areas where your platform does not align, please elaborate.

Green Background

Jill Stein

100% alignment


  • A Just Economy

  • A Green New Deal

  • Freedom, Equaity & Justice for All

  • Peace & Global Human Rights

  • Real Democracy to Empower the People

The full Platform will be released soon [GPUT note: will be posted here].

Jasmine Sherman

All components of my campaign platform align with the GPUS platform.

For the aspects of Jasmine's platform that do not align with GPUS they are willing to adjust their platform to align.

Jasmine's platform includes Universal Basic Income (UBI) , Universal Healthcare including full prescription coverage, sustainable environmental and infrastructure, and many more. Jasmine's platform is focused on improving the day to day life of every American by making sure that their basic needs are met.

Jasmine stands out boldly among the candidates with their innovative housing policy. They offer a strategy poised to tackle the houselessness crisis head-on, promising tangible results within an ambitious 90-day time frame. 

Jasmine's UBI proposal aims to eliminate the necessity for welfare by providing a monthly stipend of at least $2000 to every U.S. resident aged 16 and above, ensuring a reliable safety net for all. Jasmine's UBI proposal aims to eliminate the necessity for welfare by providing a monthly stipend of at least $2000 to every U.S. resident aged 16 and above, ensuring a reliable safety net for all. Jasmine's healthcare policy includes thorough prescription coverage and incorporates gender-affirming care, encompassing services like birth control, abortions, erectile dysfunction treatment, and more. Additionally, their policy removes intermediaries, guaranteeing that healthcare decisions are solely between the doctor and the patient, thereby enhancing the quality of healthcare.

Jasmine's healthcare policy includes thorough prescription coverage and incorporates gender-affirming care, encompassing services like birth control, abortions, erectile dysfunction treatment, and more. Additionally, their policy removes intermediaries, guaranteeing that healthcare decisions are solely between the doctor and the patient, thereby enhancing the quality of healthcare.

Jasmine Sherman will advocate for the platform but they have a different position in regard to Prison. Jasmine Sherman supports abolishing prisons altogether and replacing the current penal system with a rehabilitative/restorative alternative

Jorge Zavala

My platform aligns with the Green Party's values of democracy, integrity, inclusion, transparency, and giving power to the people. I believe in empowering the Commonwealth to have a voice in government and ensuring their votes count. Additionally, I aim to expose how money corrupts politics and hinders the growth of small, practical green technologies. By promoting transparency and accountability, I hope to create a more inclusive and sustainable future for all.


Key to unlock economic growth The Techno Dollar is my proposal to convert the American dollar to the techno dollar, which will be backed by Taiwan's technology, and bring Taiwan into American territory, giving America technological dominance. Additionally, I plan to convert the peso into the American dollar, reestablishing new treaties, trade, immigration, and industrial growth to support and balance the economy. This approach sets me apart from other candidates, as I'm focused on leveraging technology and strategic partnerships to strengthen the American economy and create a more sustainable future.


My platform aligns with the Green Party's commitment to disarmament and opposition to nuclear armament and nuclear power. I advocate for enforcing policies that promote disarmament and reducing the threat of nuclear weapons, as well as transitioning away from nuclear power due to its inherent risks and dangers. This includes addressing the hazardous waste and environmental impacts associated with nuclear power, and promoting international cooperation to reduce nuclear tensions and promote peaceful solutions.


My platform aligns with the Green Party's commitment to fair, equal, and social justice by advocating for a non-partisan, ranked-choice voting system that removes the stranglehold of the Democratic and Republican parties. Additionally, I believe that all individuals including people with disabilities should have the ability to represent themselves fairly in court, without being dependent on expensive attorneys. This is a critical example of how American democracy is failing its citizens, as those with means have greater access to justice, while others are left behind. By promoting accessible and affordable legal resources, we can empower people with disabilities and strengthen our democracy."


Question 1Core Message: Why did you choose to run for the Green Party Presidential nomination?

​Question 2. Party Building: What role do you see the Presidential Campaign playing in the larger picture of the Green Party of the U.S.?

Question 3. Describe your Key positions and Campaign Themes.

Question 4. Please describe your history of and experiences in activism with the Green Party, allied organizations, or a constituency that is supported by the Ten Key Values.​

Question 5. Describe how your campaign platform aligns with the GPUS Platform. If there are any areas where your platform does not align, please elaborate.

Question 6Describe the Campaign plans and goals and how they will be achieved.

Question 7. Strategy or plan to achieve ballot access in every state

Question 8. UNIFYING THE PARTY. The GPUS is a diverse party with chapters in urban, suburban and rural communities. It includes native Americans, immigrants, black Americans, and white Americans of many different economic levels. It includes LGBTQIA+ people, straight people, unemployed people, retired people, professionals, union members, business owners and people from many walks of life. What is the vision by which you could be the nominee who receives support from all the diverse members of the Green Party?

Question 9. Other information (e.g., resume/summary of education, employment, other experiences, offices sought or held, publicly elected offices, public boards or commissions at the local, state, or national level; or specific offices or positions within the Green Party at either the state or local level, if any, or any instances in which you worked in collaboration with Green Party chapters, groups or candidates.)

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